The page is frequently updated with more names. Stay tuned.

Keynote Lectures


Maurizio Andolfi

Child Psychiatrist and Master Family Therapist, Director of the Accademia di Psicoterapia della Famiglia (Family Therapy Academy), Editor in Chief of the Journal Terapia Familiare, ITALY


Marcelo Ceberio
Researcher in social sciences and neurosciences and co-founder of the Argentine Systemic School. He is presently President of RELATES, ARGENTINA


Christian Clot
Director and cofounder of the Human Adaptation Institute, explorer-researcher, specialist in the mechanisms of adaptation to new living conditions, SWITZERLAND

Christina Hunger-Schoppe

Witten/Herdecke University, Department for Psychology and Psychotherapy, Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy III, GERMANY


Roberto Pereira
Psychiatrist and family and couple psychotherapist, director of the Basque-Navarre School of Family Therapy and of Euskarri, Centre for Intervention in Parental Violence. He is also founder and honorary president of RELATES, and director of the Ibero-American TF collection.


Carlos E.
Sluzki, MD

Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, George Washington University School of Medicine. Emeritus Professor, Carter School of Peace and Conflict Resolution, George Mason University, USA


Alexandra-Ariadni Vassiliou
Social Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Processworker, Trainer and Supervisor. Co-founder of the Processwork Hub and of Orlando lgbt+, GREECE


Eva von Redecker
Philosopher and non-fiction writer, GERMANY

Already confirmed speakers


Angela Abela
Professor and founder of the Child and Family Department at the University of Malta. Outgoing President of the Maltese Association of Family Therapy and Systemic Practice, MALTA


Pietro Barbetta
Psychologist, Director of International School of Systemic Therapy.

Paolo Bertrando, MD, PhD
 Psychiatrist and psychotherapist. Co-director of the Systemic-Dialogical School of Psychotherapy in Bergamo, ITALY.

Alfredo Canevaro
Founder of the “Review Terapia Familiar”, First President of the Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Familiar (1978-1983), ARGENTINA


Myriam Cassen 
Clinical psychologist, family therapist, psycho-traumatologist, addictologist, systemic trainer, Director and founder of the Institut Michel de Montaigne, Bordeaux, FRANCE

Raúl Medina Centeno
Professor-researcher of the Psychology program at the Centro Universitario de la Ciénega at the University of Guadalajara, MEXICO


Facundo Cócola
 Doctor in psychology, coordinator of addiction prevention in Mendoza and director of the Espace de Prácticas Itinerantes en Estudios Sistémicos (PIES). Secretary of RELATES and lecturer at the International University of Valencia, the Argentine School of Social Sciences and the University of Flores.
Ivy Daure
Clinical psychologist, doctor in psychology. Lecturer at the University of Bordeaux, FRANCE

Laura Fruggeri
University of Parma / Centro Bolognese di Terapia della Famiglia, Parma and Bologna, ITALY

Regina Giraldo
Doctor in Social Welfare. Director of Fundaterapia - Bogotá. Expert in gender and domestic violence. Former President of RELATES [2019-2022], COLOMBIA
Edith Goldbeter
Free University of Brussels (ULB), Institute for Family and Human Systems Studies in Brussels. Chief Editor of the "Cahiers critiques de thérapie familiale et de pratiques de réseaux".


Alejandra González
Doctor of Psychology and Director of the Paraguayan Systemic School. She is a FEATF-accredited systemic family therapist, an expert in systemic interventions and a teacher at the Basque-Navarra School of Family Therapy. Member of the RELATES Board of Directors.


Annette Kreuz
Clinical psychologist, Supervisor, Guest  professor at the University of Valencia, vice president of RELATES.
Juan Luis Linares

Psychiatrist and psychologist. Founder and president of the Catalan Society of Family Therapy, the Spanish Federation of Family Therapy Associations and the European Family Therapy Association. Founder and honorary president of RELATES (Red Europea y Latinoamericana de Escuelas Sistémicas).

Camillo Loriedo
Director of the Istituto Italiano do Psicoterapia Relazionale; Director of the Scuola Italiana di Ipnosi  e Psicoterapia Ericksoniana (SIIPE); President Società Italiana di Psicoterapia ((SIPSIC).

Jacques Miermont
President of the Société Française de Thérapie Familiale, Honorary Professor at the École des Psychologues Praticiens.

Dr Robert Neuburger
Honorary Professor of Clinical Psychology ULB, author of some 15 books translated into several languages.
Reynaldo Perrone
Psychiatrist, family therapist. Founding member and Director of Studies at IFATC. 
Jacques Pluymaekers
Clinical psychologist and family therapist. Trainer at the IEFSH (Brussels) and the association Réseau et Famille (Nimes). Founder and now Honorary President of EFTA; former Chairman of ETA CIM.
Kyriaki Polychroni
Scientific Council Athenian Institute of Anthropos, Greece. Director EFT Greek Network, EFTA-TIC Honorary Chair, F. President EFTA, GREECE
Peter Rober
Prof. at the Institute for Family and Sexuality Studies, Medical School (KU Leuven, Belgium). Family therapist, supervisor and trainer in Context (UPC KU Leuven). Author of Becoming an Effective Family Therapist, BELGIUM
Carmine Saccu
Child neuropsychiatrist, director of the Roman School of Family Psychotherapy, ITALY

Dr. Reenee Singh
Co-Director of the Tavistock Family Therapy and Systemic Research Centre, Editor of the Journal of Family Therapy, UK

Valeria Ugazio
University of Bergamo, Italy / Founder and Director, European Institute of Systemic-relational Therapies (EIST), ITALY
Catherine Vasselier-Novelli
Psychologist, couple and family therapist with SCOP La Durance in Marseille. Author of several articles and books, lecturer, trainer and team supervisor, FRANCE